The Future of Warehousing is “Scan-Free” – AI-Driven Tracking with Real-Time Laser Localization 

TechBlock Zukunft Im Lager

High-quality real-time data is the foundation of automated, AI-driven processes in warehousing. Handheld scanners simply can’t deliver: their error rates are too high. To bring AI into intralogistics, the manual scanner must be replaced with cutting-edge solutions. Laser localization and real-time tracking allow Artificial Intelligence to take charge.  Data is the currency of future technologies. … Read more

Fleet management 4.0: The human as conductor in the mixed warehouse

Flottenmanagement 4.0

In modern, effective fleet management for forklift trucks, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) operate alongside manned vehicles (human-driven lift trucks – HDLs). Humans are increasingly becoming the conductors who harmonize the interplay of technologies between the storage shelves. Between the warehouse shelves, rumors are circulating about a future in which machines completely replace humans: Some forklift … Read more

Everything at a glance: The digital twin in intralogistics

Digitaler Zwilling Ela

Digital twins have established themselves as a forward-looking tool in intralogistics, production and engineering. They promise numerous advantages and raise optimization potential in order processing. But what is behind the term, where are digital twins used and what are the benefits of real-time localization in warehouse operations? Major changes in the market are affecting manufacturing … Read more

Real-time production planning: AI-supported control of the material flow

Real-time production planning

The digital twin provides real-time data for transparent planning processes in the production-related warehouse. This allows AI-supported decisions to be made that optimize internal transport processes – with synergy effects along the entire supply chain. Our future is determined by data: it is the key to greater efficiency in all areas of life. Even in … Read more

Paper & Packaging Industry: Digital Tracking of Waste Paper

Paper and packaging industry

The sustainability, digitalization and automation of manufacturing companies have become indispensable. Especially in a sector such as the paper and packaging industry, where recycling has always played a key role for many products, process optimization through real-time localization of goods offers significant improvements. However, what exactly does this look like? Wouldn’t it be nice if… … Read more

Do you want to digitize your warehouse, gain more transparency and exploit the full potential of your resources?

We at IdentPro support you in this endeavor and would like to shape with you the future of intralogistics. Schedule a personal consultation now!

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